Powered by SPOKE

Tailored biomedical platforms and services
Though academic, pharma, and clinical researchers often have different goals, they share a central focus – humans. Mate's human centric knowledge engine powers research in all three sectors.
Data Partner
We partner with databases and data producers to expand our engine. Learn more about joining our ecosystem.
Academic Lab Mate
BRIC accelerates research through hypothesis development and outcome interpretation.
Explainable AI Engine
SPOKE Cloud captures the essential structure of biomedicine and human health and plugs directly into your AI and ML pipeline.

Breaking down barriers in biomedical research.
The human body is so complex that in order to make sense of it we are forced to silo data and knowledge by specialties (parts) but the human body is an integrated system (the whole).
SPOKE offers a holistic view of the impact of diseases and treatments on genomic, metabolic, proteomic, physiologic, microbiota, and toxicological level in one integrated engine.
Together with Mate's proprietary algorithms, will propel the next generation of biomedical research.

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