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Browser Basics

Login + Browser


When you signed up for the SPOKE license, you should have received an email with a temporary password. Your username is your email with “@” and “.” replaced with “_” ( = test_email_com). If you didn’t receive a password, please contact support. Also, when logging in make sure the Connect URL is set to "bolt://".

The 5 most important area of the browser for beginners are: Database Information, Favorites, Neo4j Browser Guides, Settings, and the Editor. Continue reading for more information on each area.



Database Information

The Database Information tab lists all the (A) node, (B) relationship, and (C) property types in SPOKE. Click on one to randomly sample from that type and 25 examples will appear in an editor frame to the right. (D) shows what happens when you click the “ASSOCIATES_DaG” relationship.



Once you get to know Cypher, you can save your favorite queries using the star button in the editor frame. These queries will be saved in the Favorites tab. This tab also contains sample queries to help you get started.

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Neo4j Browser Guides

The Neo4j Browser Guides tab has interactive guides to teach you more about Cypher and the browser.



The Settings tab allows you to change the browser’s appearance, result frames, graph visualization settings.




An editor frame begins empty (A). You type your Cypher query into the box after “spoke:” (B). The current frame will side down and display the output (C). You can click on a node and drag it around the frame. When a node is selected, a ring with three icons will appear around the node (D) and a properties panel will appear on the right side (E). Moving clockwise around the ring you will see: an eye icon for hiding the node, a network icon to pull a sample of the node’s neighbors, and a padlock icon for holding the node in place. (F) shows an example of what happens when you press the network icon.

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