CWRE + Mate
It is said that the combination of knowledge and experience results in wisdom. In partnership with the Center for Real World Evidence (CRWE) at UCSF, Mate can combine the experience of millions of patients through the entire University of California Health system with the knowledge in SPOKE. You can leverage the combined power of real-world evidence (RWE) and SPOKE directly through our Patient Signature API or with the help of our bioinformaticians. Use cases include, but are not limited to:
Mechanism of action research
Find novel indications
Designing/tailoring clinical trial cohorts

Patient Signature API
Generate and plug Mate patients signatures directly into your workflow.

Assisted Exploration
We collaboratively design a research study, then the CRWE+Mate team takes the wheel to tackle your R&D problem.

In the News
Baranzini, Sergio E., et al. "A biomedical open knowledge network harnesses the power of AI to understand deep human biology." Ai Magazine 43.1 (2022): 46-58.
Nelson, Charlotte A., et al. "Embedding electronic health records onto a knowledge network recognizes prodromal features of multiple sclerosis and predicts diagnosis." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 29.3 (2022): 424-434.
Huang, Sui, et al. "Mechanical ventilation stimulates expression of the SARS-Cov-2 receptor ACE2 in the lung and may trigger a vicious cycle." (2020).
Nelson, Charlotte A., Atul J. Butte, and Sergio E. Baranzini. "Integrating biomedical research and electronic health records to create knowledge-based biologically meaningful machine-readable embeddings." Nature communications 10.1 (2019): 1-10.
Himmelstein, Daniel Scott, et al. "Systematic integration of biomedical knowledge prioritizes drugs for repurposing." Elife 6 (2017): e26726