HPA Reliability score
A reliability score is manually set for all genes and indicates the level of reliability of the analyzed protein expression pattern based on knowledge-based evaluation of available RNA-seq data, protein/gene characterization data and immunohistochemical data from one or several antibodies designed towards non-overlapping sequences of the same gene. The reliability score is based on the 44 normal tissues analyzed, and is displayed on both the Tissue Atlas and the Pathology Atlas.
The reliability score is divided into Enhanced, Supported, Approved, or Uncertain. If there is available data from more than one antibody, the staining patterns of all antibodies are taken into consideration during the evaluation of the reliability score.
One or several antibodies targeting non-overlapping sequences of the same gene have obtained enhanced validation based on either orthogonal or independent antibody validation methods.
If one of the following criteria is fulfilled:
At least one antibody shows high or medium consistency between RNA levels and staining pattern, but the antibody does not qualify for Orthogonal validation and staining pattern is consistent with valid literature, or there is no valid literature available
At least one antibody has RNA consistency defined as “Cannot be evaluated” and staining pattern is consistent with valid literature
Paired antibodies (several antibodies targeting non-overlapping sequences) show similar staining pattern, but the antibodies do not qualify for Independent antibody validation and staining pattern is consistent with valid literature, or there is no valid literature availa
If one of the following criteria is fulfilled:
At least one antibody shows high or medium consistency between RNA levels and staining pattern and staining pattern is inconsistent with valid literature
At least one antibody shows low consistency between RNA levels and staining pattern and staining pattern is consistent with valid literature
At least one antibody has RNA consistency defined as “Cannot be evaluated” and staining pattern is partly consistent with valid literature, or consistent with limited literature
Paired antibodies show partly similar expression patterns
If one of the following criteria is fulfilled:
Only multi-targeting antibodies are available. Multi-targeting antibodies are used for genes where it was not possible to generate single-targeting antibodies due to high sequence identity among proteins belonging to different genes. These genes are in many cases closely related and belong to known gene families, and in these cases a multi-targeting antibody was produced that has >80% sequence identity to transcripts of the genes belonging to the family and low sequence identity to the transcripts of all other human genes.
At least one antibody shows low or very low consistency between RNA and staining pattern, or RNA consistency is defined as “Cannot be evaluated” and staining pattern is inconsistent with valid literature, or there is no valid literature available
Paired antibodies show dissimilar expression patterns