
Harry Noller
A stable assembly of two or more macromolecules, i.e. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates or lipids, in which at least one component is a protein and the constituent parts function together. (biolink)
Node Properties
assembly - Type of protein assembly e.g. Homotrimer, Homotetramer, etc.
complex_portal - Complex Portal identifier
corum - CORUM identifier
description - Definition from source database(s)
evidence_code - Evidence for complex. Code and definition from ECO.
identifier - SPOKE Complex Identifier for unique set of complex components
name - Complex name
purification_method - Complex purification method(s). Code and definition from MI.
synonyms - Alternative names for complex.
sources - Complex database(s) (Complex Portal or CORUM)
Update Information
V5 5,621 nodes
V4 5,048 nodes
V3 5,048 nodes
V2 4,947 nodes
V1 4,883 nodes