
Kaibo Feng
A chemical substance composed of many identical molecules (or molecular entities) containing atoms from more than one chemical element held together by chemical bonds. (wiki)
Node Properties
biocyc_ids - BioCyc identifiers (list)
canonical_smiles - A unique ordering for the atoms generated from a canonicalization algorithm
CHEBI_ids - ChEBI identifiers (list)
chembl_ids - ChEMBL identifiers (list)
description - Compound definition (ChEBI)
drugbank_ids - DrugBank identifiers (list)
inchi - IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI)
inchikey - A condensed, hashed version, of the full InChI (27 character long). Created using SHA-256 algorithm
inchikey_prefix - First 14 characters result from a SHA-256 hash of the connectivity information
kegg_compound_ids - KEGG Compounds identifiers (list)
kegg_drug_ids - KEGG Drug identifiers (list)
license - If DrugBank is only identifier (CC BY-NC 4.0). Nodes could be removed in future updates (only 125 nodes)
max_phase - Maximum clinical trial phase
name - Compound name
pdb_ligand_ids - PDB ligand identifiers (list)
pref_name - Preferred compound name
pubchem_compound_ids - PubChem identifiers (list)
smiles - Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System describes the structure of compound using short sequence of characters
standardized_smiles - RDKit SMILES standardisation
synonyms - Alternative names for compound
url - DrugBank link
vestige - If compound is removed from ChEMBL, then vestige = True
xref - Alternative compound identifiers
xrefs - Alternative compound identifiers (to be unified with xref)
source - Source of node information
sources - Source(s) of node information (to be unified with source)
Update Information
V5 2,460,743 nodes
V4 2,386,140 nodes
V3 2,165,016 nodes
V2 2,165,016 nodes
V1 2,112,572 nodes