
Illustration by David S. Goodsell, Scripps Research and RCSB Protein Data Bank
A series of actions among molecules in a cell that leads to a certain product or change within that cell, such as spurring cell movement, assembling new molecules, or turning genes on and off. (NIGMS)
Node Properties
identifier - Identifier from source/sources database
license - if node from WikiPathways, CC by 4.0
name - Name from source/sources database
reactome_id - Reactome identifier
synonyms - Alternative names from Reactome
url - Link to WikiPathways entry
version - Reactome version number
vestige - True, if the node is present in SPOKE, but was not found in latest WikiPathways update
vestige_ids - identifiers in previous version
source - WikiPathways
Update Information
V5 5,108 nodes
V4 4,897 nodes
V3 5,872 nodes
V2 5,873 nodes
V1 3,599 nodes