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Jason Solo/The Jacky Winter Group
Pharmacologic class is a group of active moieties that share scientifically documented properties and is defined on the basis of any combination of three attributes of the active moiety (FDA):
Mechanism of Action (MOA)
Physiologic Effect (PE)
Chemical Structure (CS)
Node Properties
class_type - FDA class type: Mechanism of Action (MoA), Physiologic Effect (PE), or Chemical/Ingredient
identifier - NDF-RT codes
license - CC BY 4.0
name - Preferred name
url - Link to NDF-RT entry
vestige - True, if the node is present in SPOKE, but was not found in latest DrugCentral update
source - FDA via DrugCentral
Update Information
V5 471 nodes
V4 577 nodes
V3 577 nodes
V2 577 nodes
V1 577 nodes
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