
Spencer Phillips
A large, biological molecule composed of amino acids. Proteins are essential for all life processes. They are arranged in a specific order determined by the genetic code and folded into a specific three-dimensional shape with well-defined structures. Protein structures include alpha helixes, short, spiral-shaped sections, and beta sheets, pleated sections. (NIGMS)
Node Properties
chembl_id - ChEMBL identifier
delete - Will be removed from future versions.
description - Full protein name
EC - List of ECs
end - If polyprotein, cleavage site end (C-terminus)
gene - List of gene symbols
identifier - UniProt protein identifier
If polyprotein, UniProt protein identifier - chain ID (ex. A0A089XDS9-PRO_5023430874)
isoform - List of isoforms
license - CC BY-NC 3.0
name - UniProt protein name
If polyprotein, UniProt chain ID (ex. PRO_5023430874)
org_name - NCBI Taxonomy name
org_ncbi_id - NCBI Taxonomy identifier
polyprotein - If polyprotein, UniProt protein identifier ex. A0A089XDS9)
reviewed - Reviewed (SwissProt)
start - cleavage site start (N-terminus)
vestige - True, if the node is present in SPOKE, but was not found in latest UniProt update
source - Main database (UniProt)
Update Information
V5 38,954,270 nodes
V4 39,439,860 nodes
V3 39,439,861 nodes
V2 39,439,861 nodes
V1 39,405,501 nodes