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Maria Corte


A perceived change in some function, sensation or appearance of a person that indicates a disease or disorder, such as fever, headache or rash; strictly, a symptom is felt or experienced by the patient, while a sign can be detected by an observer. (wiki)

Node Properties

  • EFO - External identifiers from EFO. Includes MONDO, Orphanet, etc.

  • ICD10 - International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision code

  • ICD9 - International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision code

  • identifierMeSH identifier

  • license - If source databse is  MeSH, CC0 1.0

  • name - Symptom name from source databse

  • obsolete - True, if the node is present in SPOKE, but was not found in latest HPO/MeSH update


  • url - Link to MeSH entry

  • source - HPO or MeSH

Update Information

V5        1,805 nodes

V4        1,774 nodes

V3        1,774 nodes

V2        1,774 nodes

V1        1,763 nodes

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