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Drug Discovery

Less than 0.001% of Compound nodes in SPOKE are FDA approved.  Integration with RWE data allows us to score each Compound for every disease, symptom, and side effect.

Synthetic Control Arms

With access to millions of patient records and a physician facing interface (BRIDGE), Mate can coordinate smart synthetic control arms.

Tailored Clinical Trials

Using SPOKE and millions of patient timelines, Mate can tailor clinical cohorts to increase likelihood of a successful trial.

Drug Revival

Side effects can halt a clinical trial, but they also tell us more about the drugs mechanism of action. Mate can use failed clinical trial data to identify novel indications.

Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology drug development cost is $2.6 billion, mainly due to the high failure rate of development: only one every 20 products that enter Phase I clinical trials ever becomes a commercialized product.

Using the combination of SPOKE and our Machine Learning tools our team can identify the right population and indication that could bring a failed therapy back to life

Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.

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