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Genes that are genetically associated with a disease.


  • diseases_sources - Signifies if DISEASES score is from textmining and/or knowledge

  • diseases_scores - Disease-Gene score from DISEASES database

  • diseases_identifiers - Links to DISEASES evidence

  • diseases_confidences - DISEASES confidence scores (facilitate comparison of the different types and sources of evidence)

  • o_inheritance - OMIM Inheritance - AD: autosomal dominant, AR: autosomal recessive, DR: digenic recessive, MT: mitochondrial, XLD: x-linked dominant, XLR: x-linked recessive, XL:x-linked, YL: y-linked, SOMATIC: somatic

  • o_modifiers - OMIM Modifiers - SUSCEPTIBILITY: susceptibility, PROTECTIVE: protection against, MODIFIES: modifier, RESISTANCE: resistance to, REDUCED: reduced risk

  • gwas_pvalue - P-values from GWAS Catalog

  • sources - If edge comes from DISEASES, OMIM, and/or GWAS

  • source - If edge comes from HPO


V5        188,330 edges

V4        183,111 edges

V3        166,912 edges

V2        166,912 edges

V1        161,252 edges

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