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Classification of genes based on single cell type expression, determining the number of genes elevated in a particular cell type compared to all other cell types.


  • distribution

                 Detected in single - Detected in a single tissue/region/cell type

                 Detected in some - Detected in more than one but less than one third of 

                     tissues/regions/cell types

                 Detected in many - Detected in at least a third but not all tissues/regions/cell types

                 Detected in all - Detected in all tissues/regions/cell types

                 Not detected - nTPM < 1 in all tissues/regions/cell types

  • group

                 Enriched - nTPM in a particular tissue/region/cell type at least four times 

                     any other tissue/region/cell type

                 Group enriched - nTPM in a group (of 2-5 tissues, brain regions, single

                     cell types or cell lines, or 2-10 blood cell types) at least four times any

                     other tissue/region/cell line/blood cell type/cell type

                 Enhanced - nTPM in a one or several (1-5 tissues, brain regions or cell lines,

                     or 1-10 immune cell types or single cell types) at least four times the

                     mean of other tissue/region/cell types

                 Low specificity - nTPM ≥ 1 in at least one tissue/region/cell type but not

                     elevated in any tissue/region/cell type

                 Not detected - nTPM < 1 in all tissue/region/cell types

  • ntpm - Normalized transcript expression values

  • specificity_score - TS/CS-score (Tissue Specificity/Cell Specificity score)

  • sources Human Protein Atlas


V5        54,158 edges

V4        63,022 edges

V3        49,450 edges

V2        49,450 edges

V1        49,450 edges

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